3 Lucky Winners will receive 1 share each of an AUDAX Masternode (worth 3,000 AUDAX)!
BoldShare.io https://www.boldshare.io/ is the Official Masternode Sharing Platform for AUDAX.
From November 4th to November 15th 2019, 3 people will have the chance to win an AUDAX Masternode Share worth 3,000 AUDAX each, on the BoldShare platform!
To Enter:
1. Sign up at https://www.boldshare.io/. Once logged in, go to your Profile page and copy your Contest Code
2. Follow @audaxcoin on Twitter
3. Like and Retweet the pinned tweet on the Audax Twitter account
4. Join the Audax Discord Server at https://discord.gg/aEXSQXK
5. Paste your Contest Code (from #1 above) AND your Retweet link in the #boldsharegiveaway channel on our Discord Server
1. Your twitter account MUST have at least 50 followers
2. You must follow @audaxcoin on Twitter
3. The core team’s decision is final: 3 winners will be randomly selected from all entries on November 16th 2019, and announced on that date
4. The winners MUST hold the AUDAX Masternode share on BoldShare for AT LEAST 3 months: they will not be able to withdraw the funds from the platform until February 15th 2020.
Good luck!